Can President Trump Win?
Of course, President Trump can win. Will they let him is the real question.
I’m not really a social animal.
I love being with my family, our three dogs, and staying home. Whilst I’m not quite at the level of Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Hell is other people,” I am very satisfied not to “be seen” with the “beautiful people,” or otherwise hobnobbing. But sometimes my wife will challenge my hermitic tendencies and drag me out to see people.
And so it was that we spent a surprisingly delightful several hours at my former publisher’s Christmas party. Why “delightful” given my misanthropy? Because there was no small talk involved. I can’t abide small talk. In fact, I only spoke to three people the whole night.
I spent at least the first 40 minutes speaking to my host about the trials and travails of being a Conservative book publisher. At one point I felt a tad awkward, seeing he was the host and it was a big party with other people for him to talk to, but I didn’t let my monopolizing the host get to me because the conversation was so delightful as it was with a great Christian man who loves our country and who has raised an amazing family.
Then my second interlocutor was a German novelist who knew of my Hungarian background and therefore regaled me with his experience recently of traveling in the nation of my forefathers.
He gushed over Viktor Orban and his defense of classic Conservative values. I felt it my duty – having worked for Orban in the 1990s as one of his National Security Advisers when ran a small opposition party – to disabuse my fellow party-goer of his unfettered belief in the Prime Minister of Hungary.
For whilst he originally stood up to the Soviet occupational forces in 1989 and today resists the Socialism of the European Union, Orban has allowed power to corrupt him and is geopolitically in bed with the world’s largest Communist dictatorship today. I know it was a Christmas party, held at a time of joy and peace to all, but I cannot stand Conservatives in America praising a regime they know so little about so I did my duty to tell the Truth about a man who should not be held up as a role model for our movement. Then came my last conversation of the night.
It was with a gentleman I have seen at mass ever since we moved to America 15 years ago but never had the opportunity to really talk to. He knew I had worked in the White House for President Trump but didn’t know what I do today, so I told him about my daily radio show, America First, and my weekly TV show The Gorka Reality-Check on Newsmax. Then we talked about my former boss, the President, and my fellow parishioners only had 2 questions for me.
The man I was talking to is a great pro-life proponent, and he wanted me to tell him whether or not President Trump is actually on the side of the unborn.
Honestly, I find Conservatives asking me this question rather strange. I was born a cradle-Catholic 53 years ago and I believed I would go to my grave with Roe v. Wade on the books. It is now dead and more than 30,000 babies have already been saved. How did that happen? Because a man called Donald John Trump nominated three Associate Justices to the highest court in the land, stood by them as the Left attempted to destroy them, and after they were confirmed, they struck down a law that has facilitated mass murder for half a century. Oh, and that man is also the only President in history to address the March for Life in person. So, yes, he believes and is more pro-life than any political leader based solely on his actual achievements. His second question? Can President Trump win?
Well, he did win already. And in quite a remarkable way. Without ever having run for President before, in fact, without ever having run for any public office, Donald Trump ran against a member of a political dynasty and defeated Hilary Clinton. Then, shockingly, despite being smeared for 4 years incessantly, as a a bigot, “Russian colluder,” a white supremacist, and an antisemite, the President garnered 10 million more votes the second time around, increasing significantly his share of the black and Hispanic vote, and only lost in an election where tens of millions of ballots were mailed out under the cover a Chinese virus and less than legal means were used to subvert the probity of the ballot, and the Democrats admitted it.
So the answer should be rather, can Biden stay in office?
With the war in Europe, War in the Middle East, rising inflation, 7% mortgage rates, expensive gasoline, 8 million illegals that we know of, and rampant crime in Democrat cities, surely we simply have to raise the question Ronald Reagan asked Americans in 1980 “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?”
If only it were so simple.
If the election were today, Biden would lose. The Left knows that. And that is why they are trying to remove him illegally from primary ballots and why he is facing hundreds of years in prison on false charges from New York to Atlanta and DC.
Of course, President Trump can win. Will they let him is the real question.
No they will not let him win. They will not allow him to win. Their very lives depend on his destruction. However he does not need their permission to win. Our job is to support him and especially pray for him and our country more so now than ever before as the finish line is now fast approaching. We need to pray for the victory and safety of Donald J Trump and the United States of America that “No weapon fashioned against us will prevail”.
WHY is she Vice President? No fun pun.
Admit it, Kamala Harris and those who appointed her, as Nancy Pelosi did, deceived us illegally in 2020 with bogus Chinese Dominion Ai to help the DNC party fleece our votes. "JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL, DOES NOT MEAN THEY BROKE THE LAW," Kamala has stated. They and the MSM negated the laws found in Black & White:
1, "The U. S. Constitution: Article II, Section I." "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States." A well-settled law as it stands!
2, "The Constitution of the United States Twelfth Amendment: "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." A well-settled law as it stands!
Grasp the above as legal proof that Kamala Harris is not "a Natural Born Citizen." and is forbidden, as defined above, not "negotiable" or "eligible" to be a U.S. President or Vice President! Her parents were foreign-born citizens; her father, Donald J. Harris, is a Jamaican; he became a U.S. Citizen on September 14, 1981, 17 years later. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a citizen of India, divorced Mr. Harris in 1971, for she never became a United States citizen. Kamala will never be: “a natural born citizen,” period!
Suppose Kamala's date of birth is October 20, 1964, in California, where she was born a Citizen of the United States under the 14th Amendment, referred to as an Anchor Baby. Mr. Harris never moved to Canada, as his ex-wife died as a citizen of Canada in 2008.
Why have all the courts and officials subjugated The Supreme Law of the Land? In their acts with feeble, execrable excuses, rants, and pathetic pleas that are but consequences of coercion, protection, and bias! They unquestionably will be repeat offenders: Felons and two-time losers for their coverups and failures, making Harris's Presidential Pardons null and void. The MSM dictates and will vehemently deny the same to non-democrats.
We the People, cannot authorize this travesty and illegitimacy to continue! Less we become the aliens of a suffering populace by an Elected Criminal Syndicate that has its way with you and me if we allow them their end game plan, which will be immortalized in the Annals of History as the fixed downfall of The United States of America to a DEI.
Tom Mc