General Milley, John Kelly, and the Coup Against President Trump
Yes, there is a threat to democracy in our Republic. But it doesn’t come from the 45th President of the United States.
Kamala Harris stood there at the podium with the Seal of the Vice President in front of her residence at the Naval Observatory.
It was a very unusual location. As was the “urgent” nature of her announcement which had been trumpeted across the media.
Was she going to resign and be replaced by Gavin Newsom? Had Biden decided to vacate the Oval Office and make her President before the election? No.
Harris stood there in front of an entrance that looks very similar to the entrance to the West Wing, behind an emblem that looks almost exactly like the Great Seal of the President, to call Donald J. Trump a Fascist. Again.
Despite being told at the Convention - which confirmed her anointing as her party’s candidate without one American have voted for her as the nominee - that this was to be a campaign of “joy” and #vibes, despite all the giggling “interviews” on heavy political shows like the “Call Her Daddy” podcast and Oprah, Kamala's message has rapidly reverted to the refrain we have become so familiar with over the last nine years, from Hillary to Biden, to Maddow and Scarborough: “He’s Hitler!” “He’s a threat to Democracy!” “He’ll be a dictator!” So much for joyous vibes.
Without wanting to sound overly cynical and inured to the mendacity of the Democrats, such behavior is only to be expected from the likes of career politicians for whom lying comes as easily as breathing.
Hillary doesn’t even blink as she still says today that the Russians “stole” the 2016 election from her, the “best candidate.” Joe Biden still maintains that he knew nothing about his son’s business dealings with shady characters from Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, despite the fact that we now have photographs of then-VP Biden hanging out with Hunter’s “business associates.”

And Kamala? Well, pick a topic - from fracking to the 2nd Amendment, or the border crisis and Biden’s health - that she hasn’t said whatever it takes for the purposes of political expediency. They’re politicians. They lie. Even if it means putting another target on the back on the Leader of the Opposition, who their supporters have already tried to kill on multiples occasions.
But what about members of our military? What about Generals who took an oath to the Constitution? Can they say whatever it takes as long as it serves the interests of the political party they now favor, even if they worked for President Trump in the past?
Mark Milley was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the most senior officer in the United States. Despite his seniority over all those in uniform, the CJC is - according to the statute that created the position after WWII - not in the chain of command between the Commander in Chief and our forces. He simply acts as an advisor to the President on matters military. Despite that clearly circumscribed roll, Milley ordered regional US commanders not to obey President Trump. Worse than even that, whilst still in uniform, General Milley covertly informed his counterpart in Beijing that if President Trump were planning military action against Communist China, he, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, would forewarn Beijing. In other words, the most senior officer the US military was acting as an asset for our number one global advisory. And he wasn’t alone.
John Kelly professes to be a Marine. He’s no Marine. I’ve worked with and for thousands of Marines, and what he did as President Trump’s White House Chief of Staff is the antithesis of all the Corps stands for and is a desecration of the oath he took as a Marine, and then again as a civilian Presidential Appointee.
Here, I am not referring to his anger issues or petty vindictiveness. Getting physical with the President’s daughter and his former campaign manager, or having the Secret Service ban me from visiting the White House because I’m “too close” to the President, speaks to his not being a real man, not his disdain for the Constitution and the will of the people.
No. I’m talking about him deliberately sabotaging the President’s orders again and again, the numerous instances we now have eye-witness accounts of, showing that the former General was told to execute a task on behalf of the man chosen by 64 million Americans but decided instead to ignore those commands and instead subvert.
Why would a former General, now serving the highest elected official in the land, be a seditionist? Why would a man elected by no one think he had the right to decide the course of the nation?
One partial explanation is that John Kelly is the worst of the worst of Obama’s generals, the cadre of military professionals who have decided that they are political actors first and above all else.
I saw the formation of this dangerous subversive class firsthand, when I was a professor for the Defense Department teaching colonels and one-stars at National Defense University, officers climbing up the system to flag rank, who idolized the likes of David Petraeus and who were driven to appease their political masters.
I’ll never forget the session with a group of senior colonels telling me that they believed the number one threat to nation was “Climate Change” simply because they knew that’s what the then-Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, wanted to hear from them.
As for Petraeus, the “model” of a modern general, I’m not sure what the exact qualifications were for his being an exemplar, unless having an affair with the journalist writing your biography and leaking classified documents to her is the stirring model meant to replace the likes of Patton or Eisenhower. And as for Kelly-like pettiness, I will never forget my former CIA-Station Chief friend who told me about the time the then-CIA Director bawled out his wife after a reception at the Station Chief’s residence, because she had the wrong type of sweetener for Petraeus’ coffee. Ah, yes, where would we be without Ajaxes like these?

Are Milley and Kelly and the rest of Obama’s generals just motivated by ego? In the case of the fake-Marine Kelly, it seems there’s another reason: filthy lucre.
President Trump wants to secure the border again, as he did when he was already the Chief Executive, because he knows we cannot survive as a nation if Kamala Harris - the border czar - decides to let in another 20 million illegals should she become the President.
Interestingly, one of the many beltway bandit boards John Kelly has been appointed to after leaving the White House was the company that received a $320 million No-Bid contract from the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security to house illegals in the US. Seems more open borders would be bad for America but most profitable for John Kelly and his new paymasters.
Yes, there is a threat to democracy in our Republic. But it doesn’t come from the 45th President of the United States. It comes from politicians who have no allegiance to the American people or to the Truth. And the threat comes from serving and former generals who spat on the oath they took when they were commissioned and believe who the people choose as their President is irrelevant.
I completely agree as a Vietnam era Marine veteran. God, family, country and freedom are my priorities. And those should be every patriots. God bless America!
They should have been fired if Eisenhower McArthur or Patton they would have been relieved