The Second Attempt to Kill President Trump
If anyone beyond the trigger-pullers bears responsibility, it is the modern Democrat Party.
I never thought I would have to write these words: my former boss – the President of the United States, the 45th President, the current leader of the opposition – was involved in a second attempt to take his life this weekend.
It was at Trump International Golf Course, not far from his Mar-a-Lago home, where the individual concerned managed to gain access to the golf course. Apparently, according to the latest reports, he had been in the area for a whole 12 hours. That individual, Ryan Routh, secreted himself in the undergrowth along a fenceline, within maybe 300 or 400 yards of the President, who was playing golf, during which time a Secret Service agent saw his weapon protruding through the chain-link fence and opened fire on Routh.
Routh proceeded to leave the scene, leaving his body armor and his weapon – a semi-automatic SKS-style Russian scoped rifle – at the scene. A bystander who heard the shots photographed Routh getting into his black Nissan, and the plate was, therefore, at that point, provided to the authorities. It was input into the state database for plate screenings for cameras that can read the license tags of vehicles, and Ryan Routh was intercepted by the local sheriffs and captured alive.
We have lots of videos concerning this individual, who was a Democrat donor, again, just as was the case with Thomas Matthew Crooks, the attempted assassin from Butler, Pennsylvania, who actually wounded President Trump at that event 9 weeks ago.
Routh was heavily involved in the Ukraine conflict, maybe not as a combatant, but allegedly recruiting foreign fighters for that war, although that has yet to be confirmed.
His social media accounts have been deleted. God bless those like Chris Elston who managed to capture the posts of his Twitter feed and also his Facebook feed, one of which I already posted, which should be of no surprise to anyone who knows what the Democratic Party has become: It is a map of the Middle East, and it states the following in bad grammar:
“I am unclear what part of Isreal the Jews owned based on this historic map; Judea perhaps? It seems to historically all be palestinian.”
Right, another Democrat Jew-hater. No surprise there.
There are only two important conclusions to draw at this time:
First: the Secret Service is utterly and completely unfit for purpose. Anyone – and I see conservatives doing this in the last 48 hours – who represents this as a Secret Service success is either a moron or an establishment hagiographer trying to protect that institution. A man with a rifle getting within firing range of the principal you are trying to protect, and only being detected once he is fired upon is not a successful scenario. A would-be killer with a longarm should never ever be capable of getting within rifle range of a president, or a former president, or the leader of the opposition and nominee for his party.
There should be a physical perimeter which extends beyond rifle range. There should be, in the age of $29 UAV drones available on Amazon, a capacity to surveil the area where the president is in the open. Neither of those occurred, and as such, this incident, as with Butler, is an abject and catastrophic failure. The whole Secret Service should be disbanded today. I have posted on my Twitter account that Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. should immediately hire a team of several hundred former tier-one operators, members of the SEALs, DEVGRU from Dam Neck, and those individuals should be securing the president. I am convinced of the fact that supporters of the president would fund that security detail for the next 50 days, and I will be the first person to make a donation to that cause.
That’s an operational conclusion. The strategic, political, and civilizational conclusion is that the people who bear the most responsibility for Butler, for this weekend, for the woman who posted an envelope of ricin poison to President Trump – because, you know, that happened, but you didn’t hear about it – is the Democrat Party. The current candidate, Kamala Harris, and the current incumbent, Joe Biden, have both called President Trump an existential threat to America; a wannabe dictator.

An “existential threat.” It is that language, along with the violent language of the likes of Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer – remember the Supreme Court, “you have released the whirlwind, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch,” or Maxine’s “if you see a member of the Trump Administration in public, surround them and harass them” – that is the Left.
So if anyone beyond the trigger-pullers bears responsibility, it is the modern Democrat Party. They have demonized President Trump, and they wish him dead. And this will not be the last attempt. Keep him in your prayers. Support him. But if you’re listening Eric, if you’re listening Don Jr., you cannot trust the Secret Service for one more minute.
This confirms my suspicions that it’s all connected. No I don’t have have a tin foil hat, but after working in three law enforcing agencies for 24 years, I know a pattern when I see one. Wake up, America. This was no lone gunman. He’s too well connected with travel and money not available from any obvious sources. So who is extending the cash? He lives in Hawaii but mange’s to fly here, get a stolen car, and acquire a rifle with the numbers filed off. He had help. He set up a blind like hunters do with ceramic tiles, why? If you shoot an infrared gun at it, you cannot see the thermal images of a human. Good plan until an eagle eyed SS agent shot at him. Second attempt. God bless 45!
No need for "modern."
The democrats have been evil since "Copperhead" northern tribe supported southern slaveholder "dixiecrats."
Years pass, the hatred endures.
And THAT'S why the Republican party was formed, with Lincoln as its first president and first martyr.