Appreciate it Dr. G. Your expertise is so indispensable at this time, and so on target!!

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Thank you Dr G.

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Well said Dr G !

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Wonder why kids find Osama Bin Ladin letter so compelling? Read Konstantin Kisin’s latest reposting of a Mujahdin article explaining “Why we hate you”.

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Thank you Seb,

Your thoughts are terrific. I used your letter to your kids to send a similar note to my own son and his family in NJ but, close to NYC. He has no serious protection. So, I stuffed a package with your recommendations with a Kevlar ballistic panel a back pack that fits and some pepper spray. As you say “It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.”


Pete H

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Received a lot of downvotes recently for expressing the opinion that traveling a long distance internationally to indulge oneself at a party “all about peace” in a conflict zone, way too close to a contentious border, is a less-than-wise life decision. Had she had a father like you, she would still be alive and dancing. Sadly, Darwin will know his own.

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Thank vey much for extending your love and care for us and encouraging us to stay prepared not scared.

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Great advice!!

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Thank you! You are so appreciated!

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Thank you Dad!

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