Sickening. May we in Christ stand against the Evil prevailing throughout our beloved country.

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Never thought I would see anything like the Hunger Games in real life.

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Amazing job of connecting the dots, as always. Dr G!

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Dr G., I am a fan and watch you on NewsMax and other outlets. I just want to let you know that.... in the pedophile article about Brinton, when they refer to Brinton being against conversion therapy they're referring to the old practice of trying to convert a homosexual to a heterosexual. It is not about transgenderism. It appears obvious that Brinton would favor transgender surgical procedures. All else being said it was a well written and good article. Keep up the good work.

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I never thought that I would see this situation go this far, so what can we do about it what can be done about it.

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At 83 years of age this type of social "reorganization" is abhorrent.

Grateful our children, now 65 and 63 years of age are conservative, God loving Americans!

Cannot imagine raising children in America today - what a challenge!

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I am all for "live and let live" BUT there is a difference between "expressing yourself" and a "mental disorder", If you are born with a penis, you are a man, a vagina you are a woman, if you claim you are anything beyond these TWO genders, you are clearly suffering from some mental illness and need professional help. If I were to claim I was Cleopatra or I were a tiger, First of all, it doesn't make it so, secondly, I would be lumped into a category of people that sane people would classify as mentally ill, and that must be done with these people. No wonder today's children are so confused, people validating this behavior is ridiculous, and dangerous to children growing up in this atmosphere, additionally validating these claims only ensures an entire generation of people that are not rooted in reality!

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Oops you forgot all about the feminists that have been fighting this insane dreck since the 1950's.

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Who nominated “them” into this position? Is it a position that was voted and elected by the US citizens?

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It's time WE put on our armour and fight this evil.

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God bless you Mr Gorka !❤️😁 I bought 2 of your books. And have a great Christmas sir!.

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😡🤮 evil sick debauched pervert!. he needs a mental hospital.

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