Biden is not failing. He’s following orders from Beijing

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https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-death-isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi/ This was one of the last great set of remarks given by a president. 2 months before COVID changed everything.

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The unintended consequences of eliminating mental health facilities, has now become glaring obvious to everyone. The "Baker Act" is just a Bandaid on a more serious problem, which I believe was orchestrated by PHARMA, who claimed they had drugs to cure or relieve mental illnesses. The fact is you have to change BEHAVIOR first before the patient takes the medication as required.

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Do we have weapons systems I'm mothball we can send to Ukraine? There is a case TIMBS VS INDIANA that the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES pass judgment it involved 8 amendment and the 14th amendment with a opinion from Ruth Ginsburg.

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China's tentacles are far more far-reaching than given credit for here or most elsewhere I've read. Some may see what they're doing but we're in no way prepared.

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