Is it profitable for conservatives to attack each other?

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Seb we get it. You are a jealous nobody who only ever has a boo hoo story about their childhood to fall back on. But now that you are irrelevant, you have to make enemies to stay relevant. Sad really. But keep up the BenGay commercials for old people on your podcast!

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Did I read where you said, straight out, that you believe JFK was killed by the "proverbial lone gunman", Lee Oswald? That was you, was it not? So that was pretty weird if not ignorant. Well when you then set your sights on Putin and Russia, I ask you, 'Do you believe that Russia had no reason to execute the S.M.O.?

Do you believe the Zelensky regime in Kiev is basically a bunch of victims of Putin's inexplicable aggression? I ask because in one section of this commentary of yours, you write, "Allowing a man in command of the second greatest military machine in the world (Putin), currently shelling civilians with artillery, to spew propaganda like that for 40-plus minutes straight isn’t journalism".

Putin is currently shelling civilians? I thought that was what Ukraine has been doing to the folks in the Donbass since 2014. And is currently targeting civilians here, there and everywhere, apparently in some pique over being unable to defeat the Russians, mano to mano, in the battlefield.

Sorry "Doctor G." but I find you really very strange. It seems obvious to me, or any other reasonably informed person, that Professor Mearsheimer is absolutely right in pointing out the EXISTENTIAL situation that Russia found itself in, in February 2022. Had NATO NOT been arming the illegitimate

regime in Kiev to the teeth for years, allowing it to shell civilians in the Donbass, and preparing a launching site for a NATO attack on Russia itself?

Vladimir Vladimirovich may not be an admirable fellow, but he is no fool and he is a patriot, that much one can say without contradiction.

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Seb, love your podcast and listen to you everyday but I watched Tuckers interview beginning to end. You should interview Tucker if you had lingering questions about his motives. Glenn Beck did because he couldn’t possible understand why Tucker would go and interview Putin, report from various locations around Russia seemingly praising how beautiful Russians keep everything in comparison to the US. Tucker said he was not saying we need to be more like them but rather we USED to be better AND free at the same time. How can we have digressed so badly on both the freedom front, and providing for our citizenry. He was shaming our current political establishment elites who care more about lining their pockets than fixing our crumbling bridges. I don’t think any reasonable minded Patriot came away from that interview thinking Tucker was praising a communist dictator. I came away with WTF are we not demanding more from our elected leaders.

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What specifically did Putin say that was a lie (on Russian history)? I’m not saying Putin is great or that Russia is free or less corrupt than the US, but specifically what part of Russia’s history did he lie or mislead about? Our government has certainly lied or misled us about Russia since the fall of the USSR, the history lesson was helpful to me. If Canada or Mexico installed missiles on our border, would we react? Would we just let it happen? Again, I’m in no way defending Putin but my questions are legitimate. Of course I can’t defend our government either… I believe we have killed political dissidents, including orchestrating the assassination of a duly elected president. We have ZERO moral high ground so under the same circumstances what we we (US) have done if the roles were reversed? The interview was not a hard hitting interview but it was absolutely revealing to me, unfortunate truths about Putin and the US.

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So it gets revealed several paragraphs in that you have a bone to pick with the Russians because of how your father was treated. I'm very sorry about that, but I don't want to pay for it.

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It seems like Tucker shot himself in the foot. The interview was a one-sided history lesson. Tucker was basically played. I was in Moscow in the early eighties and, yes, the subways are spotless. But the country was dull and grey. My sneakers and jeans were of great value to their citizens, and I was even offered money to marry a woman that I never met before. Tucker was naive; more so than one would have expected.

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I have been uncomfortable on your attack on Carlson...but I guess it's all theater nowadays...the conservatives eat their own the liberals don't, and that is why we will always lose. Putin wins because he is consistent and our government is equally corrupt. We kill millions in foreign campaigns/wars....this being said by a girl who's father served in WWII and who until recently was a big patriot. Now I know the American people are generally good but our government is not. Congratulations you are part of the problem too.

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I come of a FREE Ecclesia tradition initially committed to a unity of believers--the American Reformation. It is alive with some of us yet! When discovered by some in leaving their limiting fellowship they affirm the truth of their discovery with a fierce vitality. This spirit I recognize in Bro'Gorka as one who was there and lives in the now for freedom's sake. I, too, am a second generation in my calling--was there, seek the truth and preaching the truth as I continue to discover and understand it more fully! Shalom! ~~bro'Paul, DMISS

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Thanks for your review of the interview Dr. G!

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The insight you provided is thought- provoking as always!

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