The levers of power, whether it’s the WH , the legacy media, social media, Marxist leaning educators in our higher institutions or the radical left in our government that have weaponized the legal system, the FBI and DHS who are supposed to protect Americans not label them domestic terrorists , systemic racists , homophobic xenophobic or fascists;We know now who the fascists and fear prevailers are!

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FDR didn't wish Hitler a speedy recovery after von Stauffenberg tried to assassinate him.

When they called Trump a fascist and compared him to Hitler, they knew they were lying.

All that was necessary was a loose screw in one nutcase, and they did their best to rattle one.

They own this.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Tone it down. JD Vance called President Trump "America's Hitler". And the shooter was a registered Republican.

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In Pennsylvania they have open primaries where many people cross over their party affiliation to vote in the other party's primary. The assassin contributed to democratic interests and the democratic party, clearly his allegiance was to the dems. Vance has addressed his previous doubts about Trump, has explained why he's had a change of heart. It's a sign of maturity and intelligence to change one's mind when given more information that counteracts the corrupt media spin.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Its more likely the shooter was a Republican. Neighbors say they had pro Trump signs in their front yard. We don't know whether he changed his party affiliation to vote. The shooter made one $15 donation to a progressive organization. He and his father were pro Second Amendment and he tried to join the shooting team = that's no Democrat. I think its more likely the young man had psychological issues and wasn't driven by politics. I don't trust Vance - flipping can also be a sign of lack of integrity and ambition at any cost. Lee Zeldin who defended President Trump like no-one else in the first impeachment, proved his bona fides and would have been a better choice, with few, if any, electoral negatives.

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Thank you for your response and thoughtful perspective, yes Lee Zeldin is a great patriot!

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The assassination attempt was not made in a vacuum. It was planted, cultivated and now harvested by elected Democrats and their intolerant fanatics. A blue wall of hate has been erected by the Democrat party which is now an instrument threatening the republic.

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But he was a Republican.

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He is registered as a Republican but the only donation he gave to was an organization registering Democrats. He was a troubled kid who was probably affected by the blue wall of hate over the last ten years towards President Trump. Just as important was the incompetence and negligence of the Secret Service allowing a major vulnerability for assassination. The director of the Secret Service employs DEI which are corrupt hiring practices and she got her major promotion for heading up training in the Secret Service in Feb., 2015 because she was a Democrat hack. This is a classic example of DEI getting people killed and wounded. People need to be hired on merit, skills, requirements, not DEI. Democrats and incompetence are often intertwined.

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So its 50-50 on whether he was a Republican or Democrat. But then he was pro Second Amendment - he wanted to join his school's shooting team - that's no Democrat. Its been reported he was the victim of daily bullying at his school, so he was likely a very troubled young man. That is real, not speculation, so his personal issues were the more likely driver of his actions. To assign blame to Democrat attacks on President Trump is just speculation. Politics is a rough game - both sides attack each other. The lapse in security is being investigated, but to assign blame to DEI, at this stage, is premature and again, speculation.

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The hatred and name calling like Hitler by Democrats and the mainstream media allies has been a continuing flood for nearly ten years and that is a fact. Dan Bongino, Jesse Watters and Greg Kelly have shown collectively hundreds of examples of the blue wall of hate continuing even after the attempted assassination of President Trump.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Objectively and obviously, both sides of politics engage in hate filled invective. That's politics in the modern era. Moreover, it doesn't make sense that Democrat invective would incite a Republican assassin to shoot at President Trump. It would only make sense if the shooter was a Democrat. Your suggestion doesn't make sense. The shooter was obviously a mentally disturbed young man. "Fox has learned that Senators were told in the all-member briefing today that Thomas Crooks wrote on a gaming platform called ‘Steam’, 'July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,'" the report states. "When investigators reviewed the laptop, they found a few searches in July of: Trump, Biden, when is DNC convention, and July 13 Trump rally." Those 2 searches suggest to me he was contemplating shooting at both Trump and Biden and probably chose trump because his rally was conveniently near to his home.

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Given Kamala Harris' meteoric rise in the polls, isn't it time for Republicans to admit that President trump is too old to be running for President? He has been carrying an enormous burden, from all the court cases thrown at him, to an assassination attempt and now a resurgent, young challenger from the left, who appears to be transforming into an Obama level threat to Republican values. Wouldn't it be better to pass the baton to a younger guy and there is plenty of talented alternatives to take the fight to Dems.

Polls have been showing for a long time voters didn't want two old guys competing for the Presidency. Now there's only one old guy and he's a Republican. This is gonna make this election very difficult to win. President Trump should step down and pass the nomination to JD Vance, which would be a hugely unexpected and shock the Dems to the core. JD is the future. Let President Trump retire with grace and dignity.

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It is a long time until the election. This was anticipated the question is what about their Hail Mary…..this should have been it for them. Thank God He has his arm around President Trump

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Democrats are a death cult, no different from any of the other evil, tyrannical leftist ideologies (communism, socialism, fascism, Naziism, etc.) whose God usurping policies result in human suffering and death in the hundreds of millions in the 20th century alone. They are to blame them for this shooting and 99% of all the other unprovoked shooting & violence in this country. God bless Trump & patriots like him who would rather die on his feet than live on his knees, determined to restore our life, liberty & freedom protecting Republic. Trump makes me feel safe. I can trust that he will not let US go gently into that bloody collectivist good night

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The Nazis & fascists have always been Christian and hyper reactive right-wing capitalists, dumb dumb. They also fought/killed socialists & communists. Democrats are basically Republicans without the overt Christian nationalism. Tyranny can fall into right wing and leftist ideology, you need to read more and not this guy. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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SJWs always lie. SJWs always project. Lie again derp. Elsewhere. BLOCKED.

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Brave CULTURE WARRIOR!! Dude, I told you to actually read some books. How does that make me an SJW?? BLOCKED!! CANCEL CULTURE, OH NO!! 🙄🤣

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I totally agree with you, Dr. Sebastian.

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I surely hope John Cullen's SCIENTIFIC analysis of the assassination attempt, the intrigue behind the attempt and the fact that Thomas Crooks was a "patsy" for a far more sinister plan than concocted by a radicalized young man and was killed before he fired a shot. When will we hear more ?? I understand at least one Senator is apart of this discovery! ~~Dr'Paul P. Clark, RTD Missionary & Ft'Bragg SF VN Vet

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thank you Dr. Gorka for the information on the day of the attempted murder of Donald J. Trump, 45th president. The details you share can be read over and over as I know the failures are difficult to believe could occur, not one mistake, but... President George H. W. Bush endured a serious threat while in another country and the secret service responded timely and openly left with long guns ready. Public does not seem to know the difference between special agents specializing in the agency mission is different from agency to agency. The Secret Service agents insure a protected person avoids a threat by removal of him from the potential harm. This successful for President GHW Bush. The Secret Service years ago drew from other Treasury agents. Removal to safeguard a protectee must include training and only those trained should accommodate such a detail. The Secret Service agents' first mission is protection and investigations secondary. I worked criminal investigations with secret service agents years ago. Resources are on investigations when a protection details increased. As a former, fellow-treasury agent my effort in the investigation continued, shared and appreciated. An agent must care about the work first or someone will get hurt and that is for all agents. Secret service training is essential and that training must be continuous training and leadership. I guess you know from your military experience. I was not in the military but worked along the side of many. The public including local governments do not always know the importance of regular and specialized training.

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I share your 'bumper' music choices, there's a song by Gladys Knight & The Pips 'I Will Fight'. It is timely, poignant & powerful. Should be the anthem for the RNC, also played in a loop @ rallies 'til Nov. 5th. Prove me wrong, worth a listen, hope you agree & get it to Trump's team. Thank you for your knowledge & insight, Semper Fi !

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Awesome. Thank you Dr. G

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Judge Napolito's podcast with Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson is worth a listen. Johnson concluded that aecret service incompetence can explain most of what happened.

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