Editor, please! The first line is missing a word.

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I noticed same thing on WR, and came here to say that... LOL!

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Yes indeed it is and now with Trump and his people they will be rooted out

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We hope and pray that the Trump Administration clans out the swamp creatures, but if there are so many, just fire the entire government and start over again with just the basic needs.

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Its much deeper than any image can depict!

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I have titled this “Now What”?

Yes, the deep state is very, very real and to that extent, it’s very, very deep! “I see said the blind man as the deaf man heard”. So now what? That one question as I see it, is America’s and the world’s number one question. To a myriad of attacks happening simultaneously! When a Director for American Librarians is encouraging, throughout our country, to allow an ugly looking man dressed as a woman in a g-string with his nut-sack hanging out to read “story hour”, to young children, now what? When our own corrupted CDC and FDA push for injectables which have quite quickly and throughout the world shown to cause more death and disability than the so called virus, now what? When the most Patriotic, American loving President of my lifetime, President Donald Trump loses a Presidential election to a half witted, brain-dead, grifting American taxpayer monies for his entire political career and for personal enrichment, who by the way, can be seen in video laughing with the “useful idiots” he was speaking with about telling the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Bharisma, (spelling?) with whom his son Hunter worked for, (talk about a quid pro quo)? I ask again, now what? The above minuscule samples of the endless “stream of schemes” attacking America, from all directions and all sides, I’m sure anyone with half a brain could write for the next week a list of endless crimes, which could circle the earth entirely! I ask, now what? One man will not solve the problems America and the world are facing, obviously. President Trump is a great start, a great man and an American loving patriot, but the level at which the deep state has burrowed and entwined itself into the fabric of America needs an “ARMY OF TRUMPS”! Again I ask, now what? It’s quite clear the unelected bureaucrats who orchestrated the Covid disaster have been and will continue to play 3-dimensional chess with our lives and the lives of the world. Minimal rejection has come from the Republicans and to the demise and destruction of America! Is also coming from the so called Republican Party! Today, America is made up of two primary parties;

1. The Communist Party and 2. The Patriotic Party. If by now people don’t know what side they’r on then we’re in deeper “DODO” than anyone realizes. Also quite clear is the fact that never before has a population been injected during an outbreak. Pathogens learn and they learn to evade and become stronger and evade and on and on the pathogens win! Those unelected bureaucrats of the world such as Schwab and Gates and Fauci, not to mention the CDC and FDA all knew this, yet they continued to force an “EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGICAL WEAPON”, otherwise known as “FRANKENSHOTS” coined so well by Dr Francis Boyle, upon the world! What happened? The pathogens evaded inoculation and mutated! No shit Sherlock! Oh we will not eliminate covid and its mutants. Once again I ask, now what? As I see it and as I continue to lose injected friends and colleagues and family members to this purposeful “BIOLOGICAL ATTACK”, I see more and more people succumbing to the ills of a planned attack! What’s worse, the MSM continues to “toe the line” and ”carry the water”! With a straight face no less! Once again, I ask, now what? The fact is, the so called 100 year plan is working to near perfection and until the “useful idiots” realize what they have done and join the winning team, we will ALL LOSE!

May God Bless America and The Entire World! Thanks Dr G for all you do!


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{A Share}:




"At national news desks, reporters and editors juggle these priorities and come up with answers, which have very little to do with facts.

The questions are: how will this story play; and for whom; which political party will benefit or suffer; whose anger will our coverage stimulate, depending on how we slant things; do we want protests or not; will there be blowback on us…

There are so many murders in America now, no particular murder is an event that mandates major coverage by the press. Everything depends on AGENDA."

~ A Reporter {independent}


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"That's how..."

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