Why are American taxpayers paying the salaries, benefits and retirement plans for CORRUPT, CRIMINAL POSSIBLY TREASONOUS TRAITORS ?


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Bring it home, DR.G!

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Separate the wheat from the chaff-- the world needs a functioning, trustworthy FBI .. it will be a long process -- painful for Dems-- by the way, we used to work together in Trump’s White House, plus I worked for ObamaBiden .. traveled w/him to China and Ukraine... check out my Substack.. I would be a great guest for you to talk about Biden crimes ..

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Why do we need the FBI? What exactly do they do that can’t be done by other federal and state agencies?

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From your lips to God’s ear.

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Incredible development!! Fantastic!! Is this Durham's work? Can't wait to read the report!! My goodness, this will SURELY wake up the normies, right?! Please dismantle this corrupt organization! Burn it to the ground!! I'm so very excited!!!

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go get them.

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Evidence they are agents of MOLOCH as Steve Bannon inately understood. The Red Sermon impossibly Decoded. We battle a supernatural enemy. https://godtype.substack.com/p/bidens-red-speech-decoded-welcoming

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Now we know at least one gop congressman plans to do that

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The extent of corruption, lies, fake news, greed, and evil that exists today has never been greater. The people who brought this all to us are all connected and have a long history. They all want to destroy humanity because they don't believe in God and think they have the right to enslave the majority of the world.

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Thank you Sir for staying on top of important occurrences and for keeping us informed. May God’s blessings overflow upon you and your family always.

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My Dad says the best James Bond is Sean Connery. His favorite Bond movie is Dr. No which he saw at the Starlight Drive-In in Atlanta, GA. He likes Sean Connery and Roger Moore and all the other actors can go jump in a lake!

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Hi, I'm new here. But wow what a awesome place ❤️❤️❤️

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The Federal Bureau of Insurrection — as long as its partner in crime, Biden, has its back, it ain’t goin’ nowhere.

And pray tell who’ll dismantle it? Has not raids on Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Marjorie Tailor Greene, and Mar a Lago put the fear of God on any entity challenging the omnipotence of the FBI? It’s the IRGC of the Deep State!

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There is only one James Bond and that is Sean Connery. He IS James Bond. The best one was Goldfinger.

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The best Bond is Sean Connery, and the best Bond movie is You Only Live Twice.

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After FISA wrongdoing, I was shocked and this with the Steele dossier failure has been costly to our country. I look forward to your analysis. As a former federal agent with U. S. Customs-Treasury, I enjoyed a lunch with Joseph Pistone and another agent. Joseph Pistone's hard work with his team harmed by the FBI on the FISA ... The reputation of the FBI needs to be addressed and they are too big. In 1982 they had 20,000 field agents, then DEA linked to the FBI. I know my experience is that Customs had 200 agents in 1982. Every Customs agent at that time put the. mission first and it is what I learned and believed in. So your analysis is important for 2024. Thank you for your work.

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