Joe Biden’s storied history (in his telling) w/Netanyahu and Israel was quickly and easily overshadowed by President Trump. The big Biden Lie is that he developed positive policies for the Middle East. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I stand with Israel and Trump!

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Thank you Dr G. Am Yisroel chai!!!!

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So THANKFUL to have come to know at the time and more since your stand for TRUTH a MAGA America, a FREE world and a supporter of TRUMP. A Ft'BRAGG veteran of 7th SF GRP, AIRBORNE (under'Kennedy) ! ~~ Skypilot

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No Doubt..... the takeovers and indoctrination are so insidious we are not sure WHERE to start! The when has to be now or we stand by and watch this glorious country handed over to a culture of Sharia Law extremism. Stand and fight with GOD's #TRUTH and #RIGHTIOUSNESS, #NOW is the time!

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An analogy of the situation in less than half a page.

We must do it ourselves. If I do not show up and do my job. There is a hole as no one can do it for me. We cannot do it alone. Are you getting the message? Sheriffs and Deputies! Cops and Councils! There is no quit!!! This is it life and death, now.

“They” are killing us and incarcerating us and the ones doing it to us are “us.” The vax rate includes a Grandson in the Oregon National Guard. He was vaxxed over his objections.

All the data seems to indicate the vaxx kills everyone in 3 to five years. That is a lot of dead family and friends.

The water is topping the dam; the spillway for the reservoir is over the top. There is no floodgate or emergency spillway for relief. The reservoir is huge, a giant shore line, coves, bays, inlets from creeks and rivers. Not that deep. At this level a small increase can put things over the top. A ripple will move water into the spillway.

When it goes over the top will it be with a sufficient number of men and women to overcome the 4th Reich on America? With their entrance that was provided to the Nazis, via Paperclip, courtesy of the United States Inc. post WWII.

There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/Nazi/communist/muslim/catholic /Khazarian/UN/[Georgia Guide stone] complex.

A solution is to obtain remedy thru Article III Amendment VII. It is guaranteed in written form.

The last meeting of the Confederation and perpetual Union was attended by one man. There has never been a quorum since. However, every time the Congress assembled for the several States the Members present from the several States of the United States and The United States of America met. Until South Carolina left the perpetual Union 1860 and ended when the United States closed sine die. March 1861.

So the closure date by abandonment/neglect/ignorance/intent was after Oregon’s statehood 1859 and the departure of South Carolina 1860. That was the last lawful government. Therefore and thereby the people in a Jural Assembly from those 33 States will return us lawfully to a Constitutional Republican form of government.

Article I Section 1; Ex parte Milligan; Civilian court; Grand Jury, Article III Amendment VII verdict = remedy on Oregon. www.orsja.org

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Sebastian, if you find yourself in McAllen Texas, and I'm on vacation, there's a steak with you name on it at Prime Steakhouse on me.

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