Can it survive? Yes. But the people must stand up loud and strong. And we need God’s help. A lot of it.

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(CIA ACTIONS) (*** WARNING: DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER. It appears, legally you may be bad, for speaking your opinion about your government, you do this, because you're ACTUALLY A Concerned Citizen. However & maybe henceforth, you might be subject to space attack. Now, The Good News. Mr. Matthews might think that we mights be theorists of some sort. HOLD IT ! *** MORE BREAKIN NEWS *** Sen. F. Explains it all. Go outside, it's safe. Is it safe?) * ~ Tore Maras. (typo stuff i can't get rid ov.) UT mf" https://toresays.com/tore-says-show/ MON 8-14.

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DEEPENING THOUGHTS, BY JON HANDY. * "Two more thoughts. However much aid Biden might give to Maui, it would immediately pale beside the billions he’s handed to Zelensky. And many people would be quick to point that out.

And if ..." ~ Rappoport. https://open.substack.com/pub/jonrappoport2/p/bidens-non-response-to-the-maui-fires?r=11r0co&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Typo, bro. “left alone “

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Come on Dr. G, their far worse than the KBG, I know from 1974, they are the none color of the Democrat formed and active Black KKK, you outed.

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