We have done a very poor job of inculcating the past two generations of Americans with the Judeo Christian Values that made us a great nation and now are at the Climax of Gramci’s 100 year march through the institutions to destroy us. I can rejoice in knowing that God knows who are His and His will be done!
So true.....the very soul of this country has been torn from its heart. Terrorism struck the twin towers. The Supreme Court has on 2 occasions done more damage to our civilization than the "terrorists." (Not in any way to marginalize the human loss nor material loss): Roe vs Wade and its legalization of abortion and legalization of same sex marriage and the inherent destruction of the family. This has led to the paganization of this country and subsequent insanity that now exists in our government and its institutions.....where right is wrong, wrong is right, criminals are protected by the courts, innocents are harassed and punished, censorship has become the norm and religious persecution is now on the table; sex has become a dilemma because there are no confusions about who or what should be allowed to expose themselves to females (and yes, they do exist) in totally demented manners........and finally, morals no longer are discussed-------all symbolic of the EVIL that now prowls the Earth-----and ALL prophesied in Revelation which is simply a fable to many who would prefer to be unaccountable to their Creator......and yet, wherever one gazes, the sands of time have erased the symbolism of the Beacon on the Hill.....led by the evil forces who lust after power and money and control. The list is endless, but the main flavor of today's America is best described by that which Jefferson warned about when he voiced concern that "integrity" would be necessary for the continuance of this Republic......and we see the result of it absence on a daily basis. Pray for us, for it would appear that Divine intervention will be necessary for our salvation......because THERE IS SO MUCH WRONG.
I was born in 1957. My father graduated from West Point and I entered the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer before I was allowed to legally buy alcohol. Both of us rose to colonel and today I am VP of an oil company, hated by democrats. I mention all this because this context explains my fury over the decadence that undermines the obligation of citizens to hold government overreach in check. Our magnificent Constitution was crafted to keep government on a leash, but the weak-minded in our midst are willing to trade liberty for bread and circuses. Damn our slow gazelles and the shortage of lions.
The apostle Paul, by inspiration of the Spirit of God nailed it. Romans 1, beginning with verse 18 spells out what God has to say about the depravity of men and women and in verses 28-32 spells out the condition of people in the earth in these last days. And I quote: "Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." What we are seeing is a cadre of disciples of wickedness who have reached the proverbial pinnacle of depravity which is the inability to know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. (Wrap your head around that, right") Thus, the absolute necessity that WE THE PEOPLE who understand the seriousness of this battle stand, and continually do all that we can to stand against these powers of darkness and their willing minions.
time to impose a MAXIMUM wage on all public sector people tied to the MEDIAN income of the private sector who EARN the money public is given..retro back to 2009
What a sum up of all the insults on our Country you have compiled. The law fair unleashed on President Trump feels deeply personal. That, is a breakdown of our countries founding principles that hits at the core of what's so very wrong. We should feel some encouragement by the large crowd 100,000 at Trump's last Rally. Once this sinks in, the Democrats fear of losing power will deepen and become more sinister. Get ready. Stay steadfast folks. Trump 2024 or bust.
We have done a very poor job of inculcating the past two generations of Americans with the Judeo Christian Values that made us a great nation and now are at the Climax of Gramci’s 100 year march through the institutions to destroy us. I can rejoice in knowing that God knows who are His and His will be done!
So true.....the very soul of this country has been torn from its heart. Terrorism struck the twin towers. The Supreme Court has on 2 occasions done more damage to our civilization than the "terrorists." (Not in any way to marginalize the human loss nor material loss): Roe vs Wade and its legalization of abortion and legalization of same sex marriage and the inherent destruction of the family. This has led to the paganization of this country and subsequent insanity that now exists in our government and its institutions.....where right is wrong, wrong is right, criminals are protected by the courts, innocents are harassed and punished, censorship has become the norm and religious persecution is now on the table; sex has become a dilemma because there are no confusions about who or what should be allowed to expose themselves to females (and yes, they do exist) in totally demented manners........and finally, morals no longer are discussed-------all symbolic of the EVIL that now prowls the Earth-----and ALL prophesied in Revelation which is simply a fable to many who would prefer to be unaccountable to their Creator......and yet, wherever one gazes, the sands of time have erased the symbolism of the Beacon on the Hill.....led by the evil forces who lust after power and money and control. The list is endless, but the main flavor of today's America is best described by that which Jefferson warned about when he voiced concern that "integrity" would be necessary for the continuance of this Republic......and we see the result of it absence on a daily basis. Pray for us, for it would appear that Divine intervention will be necessary for our salvation......because THERE IS SO MUCH WRONG.
I was born in 1957. My father graduated from West Point and I entered the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer before I was allowed to legally buy alcohol. Both of us rose to colonel and today I am VP of an oil company, hated by democrats. I mention all this because this context explains my fury over the decadence that undermines the obligation of citizens to hold government overreach in check. Our magnificent Constitution was crafted to keep government on a leash, but the weak-minded in our midst are willing to trade liberty for bread and circuses. Damn our slow gazelles and the shortage of lions.
All true and eloquently stated. It is astounding to me that “they” cannot see what we see. It is either mass insanity or willful misunderstanding.
Who’s to blame, pastors or parents, or both? Maybe the schools?! But most have done a very bad job indeed.
The apostle Paul, by inspiration of the Spirit of God nailed it. Romans 1, beginning with verse 18 spells out what God has to say about the depravity of men and women and in verses 28-32 spells out the condition of people in the earth in these last days. And I quote: "Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." What we are seeing is a cadre of disciples of wickedness who have reached the proverbial pinnacle of depravity which is the inability to know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. (Wrap your head around that, right") Thus, the absolute necessity that WE THE PEOPLE who understand the seriousness of this battle stand, and continually do all that we can to stand against these powers of darkness and their willing minions.
time to impose a MAXIMUM wage on all public sector people tied to the MEDIAN income of the private sector who EARN the money public is given..retro back to 2009
Thank you, Dr Gorka, for this excellent summary of the tyranny and corruption of the Left.
What a sum up of all the insults on our Country you have compiled. The law fair unleashed on President Trump feels deeply personal. That, is a breakdown of our countries founding principles that hits at the core of what's so very wrong. We should feel some encouragement by the large crowd 100,000 at Trump's last Rally. Once this sinks in, the Democrats fear of losing power will deepen and become more sinister. Get ready. Stay steadfast folks. Trump 2024 or bust.
I heard you recite this on your radio program yesterday and was so entranced. Thank-you so much!
A simple truth to be shared EVERYWHERE and with EVERYONE.