What's remarkable about President Trump that he doesn't have to do any of this. He could spend the rest of his life stress-free, enjoying himself to the fullest. Instead, he chooses to fight the Biden machine whose aim is to destroy our country in its pathological greed for power. President Trump is doing everything he can to stop it all because he loves this country, which cannot be said about the other side. If he is willing to do this for us, the least I can do is be a dissident as well and encourage others to do the same...

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Very powerful and succinct!! Comparison IS the mother of clarity. You did a masterful job

“Gorka Man” 🎯

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I fear for President Trump's life and for his family and extended family. They have tried everything to defeat him. There is only one way left for them and that is to kill him. They succeeded with Lincoln and Kennedy, they will try again. Everyday I turn on the news, I fear an announcement that they have murdered President Trump.

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Reminds me of the movie Spartacus when all stood up and shouted, “I’m Spartacus too!” Knowing that it meant certain death on the cross.

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Anyone who doesn’t do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to put this man back in the White House will have to answer to Washington Adams Madison Payne Jefferson Lincoln Grant Truman JFK Reagan AND GOD

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Tucker's latest interview is with Xi Van Fleet who grew up in China during Mao's cultural revolution. As she talked about the early days of the Red Guard and the killing that followed shortly after, I was dramatically reminded of the book "Lord of the Flies" which I read in high school. What she described with the behavior of the Red Guard is exactly what was portrayed in Golding's fictional novel. It never occurred to me that he was reflecting what was happening in Mao's Cultural Revolution even though the book was published in 1954, five years after the start of the Red terror. Xi Van Fleet warns us that the US is right now a Communist tyranny and that if we do not push back and fight for our children's future, our own cultural revolution will proceed to the stage of mass killings and violence just as it did in China.

The goal of our cultural revolution, just as it was in China, is the destruction of American society FOR THE PURPOSE of taking total control by the oligarch elites, to take total power. Once the cultural revolution was accomplished, the CCP elites took control and began the cleansing that killed 10's of million of people. The cultural revolution of race division is now complete in America and we are now at the point where the elites will impose their control through force.


We are on the precipice. The cabal has recruited 2 million+ men from the 22 million that have come across the border since Biden took office for the purpose of training an extra-constitutional army to be used to violently impose their will on Americans. Michael Yon describes this process in the below interview. Go to minute 34 and begin listening there.


Maybe my reading of the "tea leaves" is off. I hope it is. But based upon what the military cabal has accomplished through the open border, I believe the sequence of events here are proceeding faster than they did in China in the 1960s. If they have recruited their alien army as I have every reason to believe, then they will have to soon use this "asset" or risk losing it. The timing of all this around the 2024 election is too coincidental.

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I was a Ted Cruz supporter early on in 2016. Once Trump got the nomination I supported him. My admiration of him grew the longer he was in office. I'm a musician. I wrote this song's lyrics in 2020, but alas, too late to have an effect. The issues are the same today, so the song is at least as valid now as it was then. I pray that it will help.


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I kinda like Gorkaman and BTW, Ben Franklin’s quote is “a republic, if you can keep it”

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I absolutely agree and I totally support Donald Trump BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY AMERICAN OF SUBSTANCE WHO IS STRIVING TO PRESERVE THE HERITAGE, SAFETY, LEGACY OF WE THE PEOPLE. Evil is prowling the world......and the non-believers can whitewash and explain the darkening world in whatever terms float their boat......but we are seeing Revelation in its final prophesy.....in my very humble opinion. GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THIS UNIVERSE!!!!! And all of this garbage about climate change being able to be controlled by humans is simply testimony to the lostness of man. Anyone who is arrogant------and stupid enough to really believe that he or she can control the dynamics of this universe .....and attempts to exert control over all of humanity......to its detriment---by redistributing wealth---will be reserved a special place in Hell.....in my very humble opinion. In my extended lifetime (I am an octagenarian) I would never have imagined, in my most wild moments, a scenario for this wonderful country of which we are currently involved with-----with a Beltway that has become not only our primary problem in leading us into the "valley of Death" by their diabolical mentality, lies, lusts for power and control......and the foisting of tainted medical activity which will be one of the worst crimes against humanity.....which may end up making Hitler look like a piker for the long term effects that have been implanted in humans. This is a situation that is the theme of a fictional novel.....interesting and entertaining if it were not the truth.......and historians (of which I do not expect there will be any given the chance) will sit around debating, wondering, postulating, and scratching their shaking heads in disbelief about how a civilization that had EVERYTHING could have squandered so much in a suicidal nosedive into death and destruction with nary a whimper. Pray! Pray! and Pray again.......and you stand tall, Donald Trump because there are many standing with you. And for those who do not believe and will say "You can't prove that there is a God"......I will humbly respond---------"Prove to me that there isn't"-------and I rest my case. Thank you for the opportunity to ventilate and respond to the insanity that surrounds us today. And Mr. Gorka, keep up the fight and thank you for standing tall with and for us.

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This is so frustrating, how did the Marxist Left take control of our schools, media and big business? It feels so depressing, even the majority of the republican politicians are inept or unable to clearly state their case as to why they should be supported and the republicans don't put up a fight and call out the democrats. Is it time to let it burn?

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