Massive Gaslighting the enjoy it like a pinkie on crack. SERIOUS spiritual issue. That our moral indifference allows 3% to drive the agenda is the real crime

“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

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How can young and middle aged people keep

Voting for Democrats dumping more National Debt and more Credit Card debt on them? Republicans are the lesser of the two evils.

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I know.. will share.. IT IS SHOCKING.. HOW CAN THEY BE THAT BRAINWASHED? or is it the MAINSTREAM MEDIA... ? Thank you Gary... that is exactly it.. YOU NAILED IT.

And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ THANK YOU.. that answered it totally.. As a Christian I need to start looking at this through the lens of the BIBLE WORLD VIEW.. exactly right. When I read that I got chills..because I KNEW THAT WAS THE ANSWER.

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There are 4 issues Trump needs to focus on to win and win big:

Immigration, Inflation, Economy, and Energy.

Plus, if he keeps playing the Pres. Reagan speech" Are you better off now than 4 years ago?"

He does this he wins, period.


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This is actually a Constitutional crisis on par with 1860.

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I grew up in NYC to socialist parents, one of whom claimed to be a "card-carrying member" of the Communist party. I rebelled and became a liberal. When Reagan came along I became one of those 'Reagan Democrats / turned Republican (1984). So I know about the leftists' lies. I even wrote an unpublished manuscript about it (in 2005-2013). There are still a few open-minded people left, but so few that it's sad. We have to win in Nov.!!

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I admit it. I've been watching the dnc. They are a cult. And you included a picture which is meme-worthy. lol

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I was in an online meeting at work, where the executives are mostly woke, and several talked about inflation and the rise in prices for daily goods. Spontaneously!

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The Best Way

To Re-Educate The Woke

Is To Cut Off Their Allowances.

Stop Making Allowances For Them.



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Yes I do believe half of America have deep rooted, literal & diagnosable, serious mental health issues and or

“Deep Mental Health Disorders”!

Think about this for a moment?

One, how could anyone possibly want to vote for two, very corrupt

“political hacks” such as “Cackles & Tampon Tim”?

Harris who’s responsible for more than 30 plus million unknown and unvetted illegals

“nation invaders” and says she can fix everything on day one! AYFKM? Up next is this demonstrable evil Walz, who’s been to mainland China more than 30 times, is partnered with the CCP controlled company and proudly speaks of his cowardice

“Stolen Valor”, which IMO, is his middle name! Cowardice & Stolen Valor, non-combatant coward leaving his comrades behind! Yes quite the liar, coward, communist! Both of them are!

Both of these people are so corrupt, such downright disgustingly evil, lying criminals, they belong in prison!

CERTAINLY NOWHERE NEAR THE “WE THE PEOPLES” HOUSE! And most definitely not to be doing the bidding for Obama and his band of “Useful Idiots” who hate America too! Also communists!

Please WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA? Please talk to any of your friends who believe in and align with these two most dishonest, despicable people alive today! And I am not overstating anything.

Above, I mentioned / wrote about a couple of reasons why half of America should not vote for these two clowns! Sadly, they will more than likely win because this election means the death blow to America!

Which Obama has been salivating over since he

“NEVER LEFT OFFICE”! He’s the only President to buy property in Washington DC and live there! Any wonder why him and Susan Rice and Valerie Jarret are such good “EVILDOERS”? Now you know why.

FYI… this will be Obama’s 4th term if the “GOOD TEAM” LOSES! We cannot allow “EVIL” to WIN THIS ELECTION!

There’s a myriad of additional reasons why these two hacks have deep, deep

“communist beliefs”! So deep they’ll enforce whatever their masters tell them to do.

Second, why would anyone want such deeply obvious, American hating, Un-American and dangerously corrupt “political hacks” who will enforce the weight of government, pulverizing any chance of Americans to live the once proud “American Dream”?

The simple answer is much too complicated to fix. Primarily because, I am 100% convinced half of Americans are deeply disturbed! Three different peer reviewed psychological studies have shown, by a factor of 2.5 times the conservative views, leftist views are deeply flawed and psychologically damaging to societal norms! This is a fact!

It makes perfect sense and is something psychologist can treat with medication. Some people are being treated with medication and others are not. There’s a fine line between medication needs and whether or not medication and or treatment will suffice.

Americans / America have hit a critical mass / over the cliff crossroad. With an Harris / Walz presidency, “We the People” will lose our democracy, our country and our “Constitutional Republic” overnight!

Price control! Look up how quickly, how well, that is if this is your goal, this one communistic enforcement creates food shortages and ultimately death for millions of hungry, starving people! Yes they’ll throw us bugs and lab grown mRNA infused so called meat products, ultimately many people will die! Which is exactly what is happening today with the forced

“Bioweapon Injections”!

Look America, the world was attacked with what is now called a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

Whether you know this or not, look it up. Look who called both Covid and the so called “vaccines” this. Dr Francis Boyle is his name. Dr Boyle also wrote the “bioweapons treaty of 79” which was signed into law and is still applicable today, by both houses of congress and Senior President Busch. Yea America we were attacked by our own government with a

“Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

But nobody’s saying anything about this now are they? AYFKM? No I am NOT KIDDING YOU! The truth hurts sometimes, this is the time to stand up and

“SPEAK THE TRUTH”! Stand and vote for the truth! We may never have another chance to do so!

Thank you very much Dr G. for posting such an informative and most important piece.

This is exactly why America is facing “annihilation” this coming November Presidential Election.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Not everyone is indoctrinated. Not everyone has a point of view. In fact for years now, a large number of Americans are way too busy trying to put food on the table. Or pay rent for their family's.

At the end of a long hard work day, they don't have the time. They don't have the energy … to pay attention. Or to even care. They are merely trying to survive.

It's something that I noticed a few years back. When engaging the checkout clerk at the supermarket, in conversation. I, a recognized, regular customer. They merely being honest. Reading the news? Participating in politics was a luxury that was unaffordable. Courtesy of the Junta and the Fourth Reich.

Good. Honest. Hard working Americans. Unable to participate. Because they are just trying to keep their family healthy, and to barely stay alive.

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