Who Can Stop World War III?
There is no denying the fact that this is a civilizational war between Judeo-Christian civilization and the dark forces of barbarism.
It is right to stop today and remember the lives lost a year ago in Israel.
More than 1,100 Israelis were murdered that day. Unarmed men, women, and children.
Why? Because they are Jews. And because they are citizens of a free, democratic, and stunningly successful Israel.
And shockingly, almost a hundred innocent October 7th victims are still being held hostage by the forces of Hamas, a self-avowed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood committed to the destruction of the Jewish state.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? These questions remind me of the naive “Why do they hate us so much?” refrain from naive Americans infected by postmodern relativism after the 9/11 attacks, who were incapable of understanding why the 19 Al Qaeda operatives could fly jumbos into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. If you don’t believe in God, if you deride any concept the Transcendental, or even just the concept of object Truth, you cannot understand those motivated by religious beliefs, or the power of religious fundamentalism.
Ideologically, they have made it all so clear, with their Jihadi creed: “First we come for the Saturday people, then we come for the Sunday people.”
Functionally, it is just as clear: it is no accident the nation behind Hamas and Hizbollah is the theocratic dictatorship of Iran, a regime which labels Israel as the “small Satan” and America as the “great Satan.”
There is no denying the fact that this is a civilizational war between Judeo-Christian civilization and the dark forces of barbarism. There is no other way to understand what Hamas did that day, the slaughter of children, the rape and subsequent murder of young women. These victims weren’t “collateral damage” killed as a side-effect of an attack on military targets. They were the target.
So what now?
After a delayed start and constant interference from the Biden-Harris administration, Israel has prosecuted a series of bold counter-terrorism maneuvers, culminating in the recent and incredible pager operation against Hizbollah. This greatly degrades the capacity of Israel’s enemies to hurt her citizens. However, the real long-term “solution” is for Iran’s murderous regime to fall. Not due to some intervention by America or another force, but by the people of Persia.

Under President Trump’s tenure, with peace breaking out under the historic Abraham Accords, the White House initiated the most powerful sanctions regime against Teheran the world had ever seen. By the end of 2020, it had brought the mullahs to the brink of economic collapse. If we had been given another 4 years, there is no question that theocratic government would have fallen and Persia could have rid herself of their fundamentalist overlords. Instead, an anti-semitic Democratic administration was installed and the billions began to flow back into Tehran. If Biden is replaced by Kamala, it will be even worse. Just ask Governor Josh Shapiro.
Want to save Israel? Want to prevent World War III? Then let’s get that man, who avoided war for the duration of his whole term as Commander-in-Chief, back into the White House.
Dr. Gorka is correct on the irreconcilable differences.
But it is the one, isolated, mad-dog cabal of mullahs that are the enemy. The Saudis, Gulf states, and Egypt have already decided to temper anti-Western enthusiasm for less-uncivilized prosperity.
Iran's oil wealth is regrettably now in the hands of irredentist islamists. The mullahs are allies of mere convenience with Russia, mainland China and a few stragglers who all hate the West.
The solution is regime change in Iran, rather than protracted moaning about "containment.
Kill the snake and be done with it.
Dr. G nailed it as usual! Our country was founded with religious freedom foremost in mind. Terrorists are not even “religious fanatics”, they are sub human and have no place here or anywhere in this world. We need a leader who instead of playing nice with terrorists will support our Constitution, defend us against all enemies foreign and domestic and reward our military, police, ICE and all our first responders instead of tying their hands to protect us both literally and financially. President Trump is the leader we need!