Dr. Gorka is correct on the irreconcilable differences.

But it is the one, isolated, mad-dog cabal of mullahs that are the enemy. The Saudis, Gulf states, and Egypt have already decided to temper anti-Western enthusiasm for less-uncivilized prosperity.

Iran's oil wealth is regrettably now in the hands of irredentist islamists. The mullahs are allies of mere convenience with Russia, mainland China and a few stragglers who all hate the West.

The solution is regime change in Iran, rather than protracted moaning about "containment.

Kill the snake and be done with it.

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Dr. G nailed it as usual! Our country was founded with religious freedom foremost in mind. Terrorists are not even “religious fanatics”, they are sub human and have no place here or anywhere in this world. We need a leader who instead of playing nice with terrorists will support our Constitution, defend us against all enemies foreign and domestic and reward our military, police, ICE and all our first responders instead of tying their hands to protect us both literally and financially. President Trump is the leader we need!

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I remember shortly after President Trump took office, some of the Isis terrorists in Syria attacked Americans and wounded or killed a small number. Within 12 hours, a hailstorm of SCUD missiles launched at the order of President Trump OBLITERATED the base from which those Isis murderers had come. My recollection is that that was the last attack against any American unit or post during the ENTIRE FOUR YEARS of Trump presidency. President showed what would happen to ANYONE who attacked Americans.

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The Muslim Brotherhood - this is the brotherhood to which Barack belonged and he tried so hard to “transform” the USA by putting many of them in the White House, as I recall. Too many Americans still think he was a good guy, a Christian, one of us. Imagine being linked to the likes of the barbaric Hamas!

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It is said that Barack had a seperate room designated as "his muslim room of prayer". It is said that he said: "if it comes down to making a choice between Christianity and Muslim, I will choose Muslims." I find it hard to believe that Barack was a Christian.

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Look, it’s insane…that there are people who think the obummers were/are Christians. It reminds me of eastern Canada where I have several relatives, most are of the belief that Muslims are just another branch of Christianity!

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I saw this coming close to 10 years ago. I told close friends and relatives and they just made fun of me. Well I am sorry I was right. Maybe if more people had paid attention it would not be happening. I know I wasn't the only one, some agreed, but what could they or I do? Well it is here now and our wonderful world is headed for a disastrous time. I hope it survives.

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I hope it survives as well my friend!

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I don't understand why the Jewish nation does issue a edict that for every hostage that Hamas murders, the Nation of Israel will execute five or more arabs that they have as prisioners, starting with the highest ranking Hamas ones. Time for "eye for an eye"; to put an end to this issue. Hamas must suffer personal consequences for their disgusitng actions. So far it is only more missiles and bombs.

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The terrorist don't care about their own people. I believe they are just pawns.

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The muslims are more than satonic killers, they are what the Old Testament calls HEATHENS and God instructed the Jewish people to kill them all. That is exactly what they are trying to do. They are making progress in eliminating the leadership of the Muslims - Hamas/Hezbolla(?)/ Muslim Brotherhood/ all Terroist - The world will be a better place once they are ALL gone. I just can not understand the muslim religion which worships a man who was a war lord/had over 30 wives/ murdered and plundered countries but wrote a book of so-called "worship". Duh?

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